Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Multicultural Day in the Workplace

It has been 10 years since Canada, by Royal Proclamation, designated June 27 as Multiculturalism Day to celebrate the diverse communities across the country.In a video message on the occasion, Charles Sousa, Ontario minister for citizenship and immigration said, “We are grateful for the contributions of those who’ve settled here and shaped our province.” he added, “On Multiculturalism Day, we commit to building a province based on equality, inclusion, and democracy. And we honour our rich cultural mosaic.According to Canadian Heritage, the federal agency which is responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada’s civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians, “it is an opportunity to celebrate our diversity and our commitment to democracy, equality and mutual respect and to appreciate the contributions of the various multicultural groups and communities to Canadian society.”
Quoting  a former governor general Adrienne Clarkson, Sousa said, “‘Canada is at once a mirror of global diversity and a beacon that may guide other nations.’ Today, and throughout the year, let us celebrate the richness that our multiculturalism provides.

Here's the link of the video:

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! Supporting the different cultures in your workplace is a great way to build a stronger team.
